The focus is on the word “Spirit” so in Publisher, typed in as many words I knew that reflected the meaning of the word Spirit.
Energy, life, élan, spunk, enterprise, tonic, zest, oomph, drive, joie de vivre, dynamism, mettle, vitalise, flourish, electrify, energise, animate, enliven, soul, spirit, self, vigour, capture the spirit, verve, ephemeral, spirit of the moment, breath, heart, dash, intrepid. Symbol: dove, flame, wind. 5 Elements; wind, earth, fire, water, love.
Very nervous about using the laser printer, as it gets quite hot, but then paper doesn’t burn when it goes through, so cotton should be okay.
Ironed the calico, and then backed it with freezer paper. I trimmed it all to A4 size, and ensured there were no loose threads.
I then re-ironed the freezer paper just before printing to ensure it was joined everywhere. Set the printer to manual, HQ1200, thick paper. Very nervous threading the paper though the printer. It worked. A small amount of loose toner on the bottom of the freezer paper, but printed even the fine fonts onto the fabric okay.
Cut the fabric into strips for weaving and laid it out on some fusible stabiliser, with the adhesive facing up. Wove the strips with other fabric, ribbons, yarns and thread. Once happy, I ironed it to make sure it stuck to the stabiliser. I even found a spelling mistake in the words I printed out. Drew some dove and flame images onto freezer paper, and made stencils. Using purple and gold Shiva paint sticks I found the stencils appear most effective when using 2 colours with each stencil, eg wings-purple, body-gold.